Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wanna Test your Stress?

Downtown Kitchener has a church right on King St. Well... sort of. It's a Church of Scientology, which isn't a church in the strictest sense. Today they, the Scientologists, have a table out in front of their storefront dressed with books and (wait for it).... e-meter.
That's right kids, they're auditing right on the street. Grass roots style.
Now, a lot of people say a lot of things about Scientology. I frankly don't think it's much kookier than most organized religions (if you're a person of faith, that's awesome, but I expect you don't subscribe to every religious view or every creation story out there, probably because you recognize that they can't all be true). It's pretty easy to find a youtube video slamming the "belief system" that is the basis of Scientology, so here's one that's not:


  1. Ha Ha Ha, awesome. Its good to know there is no end of vague, ambiguous statements that a young man like myself can relate to in my stress filled life. Thanks Xenu, hell, thanks religion!
    I never cease to be amazed at the imaginative power of the human brain.

  2. This video made me feel a lot of different things, and then I was left confused at the end (me? confused? shocking).

    Has Scientology always been the butt of religious jokes? Or has it only become so publicly outrageous since Tom Cruise and the other star-studded scientologists started speaking about it in the media?

    There are no Scientologists in Port Elgin.
