Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Typography Study

Ok, so the credits at the beginning are a bit long, but will make you super jealous. This woman has mad handtype skills!!! Flawless!  I almost failed first year because my typography "ate too many  donuts" according to the most ancient college prof in history. I could never make the letters thin enough. And then I'd smear graphite all over my illustration board. But hey, Pobody's Nerfect.

I don't know. It seems like the 4 year old is trying to add a serif to every letter to match his mom. 
Either this little boy is going to be very confused at school or he's going to have the girls swooning once he passes out some Valentines come February. All those flourishes and curves. Come on! Anyways - I am jealous. And would never email anyone if my writing was like this. I would handwrite EVERYTHING. Even client invoices. 


  1. I love how he just gives up on W at the end there. funny!

    ps. who uses cursive anymore? We should only use CAPITAL LETTERS FROM NOW ON

  2. We were just talking about this last night.
    Apparently they aren't teaching cursive in school anymore?
    I use it all the time. It's so efficient.

  3. If I had only known how popular that shirt would make me when I paid $.99 for it.


