Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I wonder if we'll ever blog again.

Things have been pretty busy in these parts, and it doesn't help that I'm taking off for three weeks and handing the reigns over to @marctcameron.

Promise to do better in the new year.


  1. Hi, do you tweet? If so, would love to connect @wendyhoomo

  2. Hi Wendy!
    We do tweet! You can find us individually, @cassiescowcroft, and @marctcameron, or together we tweet (although less often) as @pinkEdesign!


  3. do they not have blogs in the far east?
    I think you should find the most compelling designs Japan and Korea have to offer and blog about them from the source.
    God know you're not going to call because you miss me.

    I'm going to go crazy! Who will I throw things at when I need a "creative break"?
